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Selectmen Minutes 10/28/2014

Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Member Present: Richard DeBold, Michael Paveglio, Jeffrey Jordan, Town Administrator Jodi Pinard

Others Present: Ann Davis, Donna Chagnon, Alan Quimby, Ed Millette, John Martell, John Freeman, Bill Briggs, Jim Plunkett, Diane Mobbs

Call to Order: Mr. DeBold called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.


Department Heads

Police – Mrs. Pinard informed the Board Chief Clarke was unable to attend tonight’s meeting. He stated that he did not have anything to report.

Emergency Management – John Martell stated December 4, is the tentative date for the first Hazard Mitigation Meeting at 6:00pm.

Fire – Alan Quimby stated we are working on our budget and warrant articles. We are busy. Vehicles are running good. Ed and I repaired the old computer in the training room. That computer is dying fast. We are still looking to get these replaced.

Mr. Paveglio stated that they had come in with a proposal and that was placed on hold. I am still trying to figure out what exactly your needs are.

Mr. Quimby stated that those computers are what we need. We would like the complete unit to include keyboard, mouse, and monitor. In regards to the budget I am adding in money for assistance with writing grant proposals.

Consensus of the Board was to move forward with replacing those computers as was requested by the Fire Department.

Building – John Freeman stated we have received three new permits. Two of those permits are new homes. This is roughly $1,700 in revenue. I will be on vacation next week as well.

Ed Millette asked about impact fees and why the Fire Department has not been getting any.

Mr. Paveglio stated that these fees currently are being figured by the Central Regional Planning Commission. They are in the process of completing an Impact Fee Study for the Town. The Planning Board are the ones in charge of the Impact Fees so if you do have questions that is where you should start with your questions.

Highway – Jim Plunkett stated that he sent Jodi the bid proposal for the Hilliard Road Grant Project. I am going to give John Martell the detailed plan because he will be impacted. I have been working on the bids for the roadway projects for next year. I am going to send those to Jodi early next week. We have put the two sections together on Bear Hill Road and will be completing the last section on Pleasant Street. Budget is ¾ of the way done. I did speak with Jodi regarding the fuel and I will figure it the way we have in the past.

Mr. Paveglio stated that in regards to the fuel I would leave the lines that you have with the usage but if you anticipate using more gallons then budget for that.

Mr. Plunkett stated I do have someone who is willing to donate a gutter to the Library. This is in good shape and we will see if it works. We have finished grading the roads, sanders are ready for winter. Hilliard Road logging contractor has put in a request to the state to cut the pine trees. I have asked him to look at it. We have three logging operations going on right now. I’m waiting for Advanced Excavation and Paving to shim. I ordered the salt from Eastern.

Mr. DeBold asked where are we with the sander rack and the berm around the salt shed.

Mr. Plunkett stated that he is waiting on one more bid for the berm around the salt shed. The sander rack went out to bid and we did not receive any bids.

Mr. Paveglio stated that we need to fix the sander rack. He suggested coming up with a plan this winter and fix it in the spring.

Library – Lucille Noel stated tomorrow the Trustees are going to a workshop on Personnel Management. We have two more book sales coming up on the 22nd and December 6th. We have a raffle on Samantha the American Girl Doll. We have already received $97 in raffle ticket sales. We have interviewed a new custodian. Our current custodian will be going to Finland with his wife who will be teaching there for roughly four months. His son will be taking over for him. We have an Eagle Scout that is willing to build a bench with planters on each side for his Eagle Scout project.

Bill Briggs – Shaw Field
We had a good year, everything has been bush hogged. We put a lot into it. Now we are going to move an excavator in and pull the rocks, bury them and remove a few trees. We want to cut some of the lower branches on some of the trees.

Mr. DeBold stated that he went up there today and the field looks good. We did receive a question from a resident regarding the piles and blocking of the snowmobile trail.

Mr. Briggs stated that he does not know if he will be moving those piles because I don’t think they are in the way. But I am hoping to move some by the time snow flies. I am not even sure the where the trial is. The piles should not be the way of the snowmobile.

Mr. Paveglio stated that the snowmobile club needs to mark their trails. I will get in touch with the snowmobile club so we can go out and take a look.

Mr. Briggs stated that we would like to have two more signs installed.

Consensus of the Board was to move on two signs at the entrance of Main Street to the trail that connects to Pound Road.

General Business/Board Discussion:

NH Municipal Conference
Mrs. Pinard informed the Board the conference is taking place on November 12th & 13th. Jamie and I will both be attending. The Selectmen’s Office will be closed both of those days.

Meeting Schedule for week of November 10, 2014

Mrs. Pinard reviewed with the Board that there will be no Board of Selectmen meeting on the 4th due to elections and the 11th because it is Veteran’s Day. She is looking to schedule a meeting on either Monday, November 10th or Wednesday, November 12th. This is a manifest week.

Consensus of the Board is to hold the meeting on Wednesday, November 12 at 6:30pm

Health Insurance Rates
Mrs. Pinard informed the Board that the Health Insurance rates for 2015 have decreased by 2.2%. This is roughly a $2,400 savings in 2015. At the next scheduled meeting I will be bringing forward some lower cost options that I am hopeful the Board will approve so the employees have some different options. If an employee chooses a lower cost option it will benefit both the town and the employee.

Outstanding Items:

Tax Rate Setting
Mr. Paveglio stated that I would like to retain 3% but only utilize $75,000 to offset the tax rate then the remaining to be used at Town Meeting if the Board sees the need.

Mr. DeBold stated that I would be ok with using $100,000 and leave the remaining for use at town meeting.

A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to utilize $100,000 from Unassigned Fund Balance to offset the tax rate. Motion Passes

Public Input

Lucille Noel stated that the window restoration project at the Grange Hall has been completed.


A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at  7:35 pm. Motion Passes

Respectfully submitted,
                                                                Not approved until signed
Jodi Pinard, Town Administrator

Richard DeBold, Chair                        D. Michael Paveglio                               Jeffrey Jordan